These are the main flower essence ranges we stock. For more details on each range
and other products please download our Product
and Price List.pdf or enquire for essence descriptions.
Alaskan Flower Essence Project
Flower, Gem and Environmental essences created in the pristine conditions
of Alaska since 1984 by Steve Johnson. These essences embody the qualities
that enable us to thrive in an environment of continual transformation.
Desert Alchemy
The extreme climatic conditions of the Arizona deserts have produced
plants that have adapted to this harsh environment. Here there is an
intensity in the withdrawing and subsequent bursting forth of the life
force, in very short periods of time. Since 1983 Cynthia Athina Kemp
Scherer has co-created these essences. They focus on adaptability, individuation,
clarity, expansion, inner security and resolving alienation.
Perelandra is a nature research centre in the foothills of the Virginian
mountains. These essences are co-created by Machaelle Wright and nature
intelligences from the balanced environment of the gardens. They include
Rose and Garden (vegetable) essences, as well as as Soul Ray and Nature
Programme essences. They help to balance, stabilise and create a co-operative
environment, amongst and within all beings.
Please enquire for other ranges that we do not keep in stock but may be able to order in for you, such as the FES range.